Blog Journal #1

About Me:

Hi! I'm Stella Heine. I am a Senior at Florida State University studying Psychology with a minor in Education. I have a cat named Sushi who is very cute and I enjoy reading, watching youtube, and spending time with close friends. I also love finding and listening to new music and creating playlists for every occasion and thrifting! I am going to be applying to graduate school for school counseling next cycle, as I hope to get some experience within schools by substitute teaching during my gap year. 

Prior Experience with Educational Technology:

I was previously part of the FSU-Teach program before switching my major so I have a good amount of experience using and learning about the benefits of educational technology. In the previous lesson plans that I have created, I have used iPads, projectors, online simulations, and SmartBoards to help strengthen my lessons. Besides my experience within the FSU-Teach program, I have also experienced educational technology as a student in my high school and college courses. I admit, I used to find that educational technology was more of a burden while in high school but now that there are so many different types of technologies to use I feel that it is important to use the most efficient and effective types of technology in classrooms. 

Learning Networks:

Some resources that I use regularly to support my learning needs and goals while in college have been mainly my peers in the courses I am taking, office hours that my professors offer, and online platforms such as Quizlet. I often meet with my peers to study in libraries or coffee shops and find that this is extremely effective in helping me learn the material in my classes. Office hours allow me to achieve my learning needs and goals because it allows me to have a personal relationship with my professors and allow me to ask any questions that still linger after studying. Quizlet and other online platforms such as Google Docs help me collaborate with my peers while studying and also streamline the studying process since the sites are very user-friendly. 


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