Blog Journal #2

Microsoft Word Experience:

I have used Microsoft Word very often throughout my educational timeline. I use the word processing software to complete assignments, write papers, and take notes for my classes (in high school and in college). I feel that the platform is relatively user-friendly, however, I often need to search videos on Youtube to find out how to format my documents in specific ways. I personally prefer Google Docs over Microsoft Word because it is more user-friendly, connects to my Google account, automatically saves, and allows for me to collaborate within a document with my peers through the sharing options. 

ISTE Standards for Educators: 

The standard that I feel is most meaningful is standard 2.1 Learner. This standard states that educators should continue their learning throughout their careers by practicing and learning from others about proven practices about educational technology. Meaning that teachers actively continue researching and evolving the technology in their classrooms to keep up with what is most effective in the classroom. This standard is incredibly important for educators to abide by since it promotes technological growth in society and teaches students about new technology. It is important that educators remain fluid with their learning of technology and do not remain stuck with the technology they grew up with. 

Digital Native: 

A digital native is someone that is a "native speaker" of the internet. These people were born in a time where the internet has existed, use the internet more comfortably than "digital immigrants", are able to use the internet more quickly and efficiently, and can more easily learn how to use new technology. I agree with the label of "digital natives" on our generation because we have been using technology since we can remember and it has shaped our lives in such a drastic way that creates a disconnect between ourselves and older generations. Differences in digital fluency differ drastically between students today and their older teachers. Differences I have noticed from my educational experience are how students typically help their teachers when they encounter technology issues and how teachers struggle with keeping up with technology resources. This disconnect between digital natives and digital immigrants in the classroom has been a frustrating experience because it disrupts the classroom flow during lessons. Teachers who do not understand new technology or are not as efficient with using it, in my experience, often teach their lessons without technology instead of adapting to new teaching methods that use educational technology. Some differences that I anticipate between future teachers and their students will most likely be similar to what is happening today. Today's digital natives in the future may be considered less efficient using technology than their students that will be part of the future generation. Future generations may be more up to date with current technology while our generation remains stagnant with the technology we are using today. 


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