Blog Journal #3

 Copyright and Fair Use 

Copyright is a law that protects the intellectual property of a person such as a photo or literature. Fair Use is also a legal doctrine that states that the use of copyrighted materials can be used by a person other than the creator of those copyrighted materials in specific circumstances. As a teacher, I would make sure that my students were knowledgeable about these terms and understand that it is important to credit the creators of copyrighted materials if they need to use those materials for class assignments or projects. I would make sure to mention and provide an overview of the do's and don'ts of copyright and fair use whenever I assign a project that may need information about these topics. 

Technology Implementation Issues

- Academic Dishonesty - 

In order to combat academic dishonesty in the classroom, technology like honorlock could be used for tests and quizzes. This type of technology allows the teacher to view the student while they are taking a test and see if they have clicked off of the tab to look for answers online. Functions of honorlock are flexible and can be set by the teacher to allow for use within the classroom and at home. If students violate the honorlock honor code then the teacher can choose to give that student a 0 on their quiz or test and also speak with the student about the importance of being honest. 

- Lack of Funding - 

In order to combat the lack of funding in schools, teachers could collaborate with parents and organizations that are put in place to help where funding runs out. Teachers could ask parents for donations and also promote students to fundraise for their classrooms using fundraising campaigns like selling items that their neighbors, family, and community would be interested in. If students are able, they can bring in their own laptops, tablets, or phones to use while in class to do online activities and simulations in order to save money. For elective classes like music and choir, the groups could host events where they showcase talent and raise money by charging a small fee for each guest who chooses to come. 

Creating a Teacher Newsletter 

I learned a lot while creating my newsletter this week. I learned about word art, shading, and columns that can be used in Microsoft Word. Learning to use Word more efficiently can help me in my future profession as a school counselor drastically. It would allow me to create interesting and fun pamphlets for the students whom I help. Something I could have done better while creating my newsletter was finding cute transparent graphics that I could have used within my newsletter. It was very difficult to find graphics that were not copyrighted. In the future, I may pay to buy some graphics that I will use for my future projects using Word. 


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