Blog Journal #7

 Teacher Website: 

I chose to find a teacher page on a school website from a teacher that is at Leon High School. This teacher includes a welcome page that explains herself, her ambitions for the school year, the classes she teachers, and a photo of herself with her family. The page includes a sidebar with helpful student links, student documents, and pages for her specific classes she teacher such as AP Lang and 10th grade english. In the pages for the specific class periods and courses she outlines future due dates for assignments and past assignments with their due dates. When you click on the specific assignments listed it gives you an overview of what is expected to be turned in and what you are expected to have read before coming into class.

How I Plan to Use Technology: 

I plan to use technology to accomplish my professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively by implementing technology into my work every day. I plan to become a school guidance counselor so it will be important to use online organizational tools such as Google Calendar and online meeting tools like Zoom in order to meet with students, parents, and faculty. If I were to be a teacher I would take advantage of a class website or an online classroom format through Canvas to keep in touch with my students and let them know what is expected in my classes that I teach. I would also take advantage of online teacher forums to stay up to date with the best teaching strategies and to get ideas and lesson plans from other experiences teachers. 

Wiki Experience: 

Using PBWorks to create a wiki was very difficult since the site was under renovation while we were using this platform to complete an assignment. I likes that the wiki was able to be edited by other people and the creator could control the types of edits the participants made. I didn't like that it was so difficult to get people accepted into the wiki. I can envision myself using wikis as a tool in my future classroom that students use to create pages for specific assignments. Students could actively be working on their wikis throughout the school year and add pages to complete specific assignments. At the end of the year the student will have a full portfolio of all of the assignments they have completed in an organized online format. 


  1. The website you chose has very high contrast making the site very easy to read. The website doesn't seem to have very much information but the headlines and body text use the same fonts each time, the repetition is effective. Everything is aligned, nothing is slanted or off the grid. The proximity is also good, the due dates are all grouped together in one section and everything else is separate. I think that the web page passes on all elements!


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