Blog Journal #8

 Web Design Assignment:

I learned many new skills while completing the web design assignment such as creating an aesthetic website with multiple pages, and embedding a Google calendar. I liked learning about how to embed copyright images and calendars into a website. I also liked learning about how to include graphics and text boxes into the webpage. I can use the knowledge I got from this assignment in my future career by creating helpful websites for my students as a school guidance counselor. I can create websites that my students can go to to get access to resources they may need for mental health, college planning, and so on. 

New Skills Diigo: 

Since using Diigo in this course, I have learned that many of the tools in this extension can be very helpful for other courses I am taking here at FSU. The highlighting and bookmarking tools that this extension provides has helped me be able to find the information I am looking for more easily and efficiently. This extension can be helpful in classrooms because it can be taught to your students and allow them to do research more efficiently. With team members, this tool allows for important information to be shared and annotated for others to view. In my professional efforts, this tool will be very helpful in my future career as a school counselor because it will allow for be to be more organized and share important information with the students I will be working with. 

Technology and Professional Development: 

Teachers are expected to be up to date with technology innovation so that students have experience using new technology and can advance with it as they get older. It is also important so that teachers can use the best tools out there in the technology world so that lessons are the most effective they can be for their students. A webpage that allows for teachers to remain up to date with technology is . This website is a gateway for other websites such as Free Technology for Teachers, and Edudemic which are websites that provide information about technological teacher tools and the newest releases of technology for teachers. This gateway provides a list of multiple resources that teachers can use to broaden their technology in their classrooms and stay up to date. Many of these websites also act as a forum for teachers to speak about their favorite technology to use in their classrooms and what they feel is the best to use for different ages of students. 


  1. I enjoyed viewing your class website! It was very original and easy to navigate. You used fun but not overwhelming colors and had a simple but eye-catching theme to the entire site. In the future I would spend more time on the "About Me" page and really allow families and students to get to know you and easily find your contact info. I would even create a page for resources for both students and parents to easily find the sites necessary. I think the overall setup and fluidity of your site was solid. Good work!

  2. Participation POrtfolio #23

    I like the design of your blog. I think all the subjects are cohesive and I like the simplicity of the blog. I think it will be user friendly for your students. It is also not too complicated so it is appealing to the eye. I would enjoy looking at you blog if I was one of your students.

  3. Hi! I thought your website was great and you can tell you put a lot of work into it. The layout was easy to navigate and would be perfect for students to use. I liked the pictures you chose and the way you organized all of the information. I liked how all of your fonts were simple and easy to read. It is very pleasing to the eye and I think it would be a great tool in a real classroom. Great job!

  4. Hello! I thought your website was great! The formatting was easily understandable, and everything was simple and user friendly! Overall, fantastic job!

  5. Hello! I loved looking at your site and it brough back so many memories of using some of the tools you mentioned! I think the site looks very visually appealing and easy to read. It was very informative and easy to navigate, along with the fact that I can tell you put a lot of work into it. Great job!

  6. Hey, I totally agree with you. Teachers should be up to date, with all that stuff regarding teachers staying up to date with all the technology stuff. This is important because teachers should be able to keep up with the students, but also because this will allow teachers to feel more comfortable using different platforms and resources depending on the students' needs.

  7. Hi! I think that your website was very well done. I think that the pictures that you had on your website brought contrast to it. I also think you aligned your pictures well., which help make the website more aesthetically pleasing.


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