Blog Journal #10


    As a future teacher, I will use data collection tools such as surveys in my classroom To stay current with my students and make sure they are on track in my class. I hope to teach a high school science class so surveys would be important as check-ups for my future students. I could use surveys as exit tickets for each class to survey what the students learned from that class. I could also use surveys as entrance tickets to see if students remembered what we had learned last class. 

Interesting Topics from Peer's Blogs:

    I found it interesting to see the wide-scale of feelings towards different digital platforms when reviewing my peer's blogs. Some things that I did not like about platforms were things that others liked and it was interesting to see their reasoning. It was also interesting to look over which digital tools my peers recommend for study tools in their future classrooms. Overall, I found discussion opinions on specific digital platforms to be the most interesting topic discussed in my peers' blogs. 

Tech-Flex and Digital Badges: 

    Although I did not participate in tech-flex and digital badges in this course, it was very interesting to read about other students' tasks to earn these. It seems like a fun idea to do digital badges in my future classroom so that students that go above and beyond can feel like they have earned something for their accomplishments. Some of the tech tasks to earn badges were funny and lighthearted like creating a meme and others were more meaningful and specific to the course content. I like how the teacher can create different badges that they can choose to give out to specific students. 

What I Hope to Learn Next: 

    A technology-related skill that I hope to learn next is how to edit videos. I hope to do this by watching youtube videos and asking my friends to teach me. For future reference, editing videos would be helpful to create more interesting lessons for students. Starting with iMovie and moving to Premier Pro is a goal of mine. 


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